King Hoodie on Sway In The Morning: Miami Artists, Lil Wayne, and The Glass EP

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Miami-based artist King Hoodie recently dropped by Sway In The Morning to talk about everything in the music industry. From Miami artists not interacting with each other to rap clones, and much more! He even spoke about how Lil Wayne is the architect for all the trends in music now, and nobody is original. The conversation was not only informative but also witty and entertaining. King Hoodie’s new project, Glass EP, is out now, and it’s heating up the charts. So let’s dig deeper into the discussion about the music industry and The Glass EP.

During the interview, King Hoodie mentioned how Miami artists don’t interact with each other. He talked about how Miami is a city full of talent, but because of the egos, everyone is so separated. Often Miami artists have the mindset, “Why collaborate when I can be competing?” This mentality has hurt the city’s music industry and has made it challenging for Miami to be recognized as a music hub as Atlanta and LA have been. King Hoodie hopes that one day that will change and all Miami artists can come together and create something amazing.

The conversation also touched on how Lil Wayne is the architect of the music industry. King Hoodie mentioned that no one is original anymore. Artists are always taking from the ones before them, and Lil Wayne has inspired almost every recent trend. King Hoodie said, “Lil Wayne inspired the drug culture, the skateboard culture, the rock culture, the lean culture, the auto-tune culture, the catchy hook culture, the singing and rapping culture, the self-deprecating, speak-my-mind culture, and much more.” According to King Hoodie, Lil Wayne is the king of inspiration and music trends.

King Hoodie’s Glass EP is also a significant topic of discussion. The EP consists of three tracks, Out The Mud, Materiali$e, and Glass. Keilah Rose and Shan Moreno are featured on the vocals.

King Hoodie’s interview on Sway In The Morning was full of insightful and entertaining discussion. He discussed the music industry, the city of Miami, and his Glass EP. With the problems and egos among Miami artists, it may be hard to see that it’s possible to make great music together. However, King Hoodie cleared most of the air with his Glass EP. Hopefully, his music will inspire Miami artists to come together in collaborative efforts, which would make the city a music hub of its own. If you haven’t listened to Glass EP, it’s a must-add to your playlist.

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