The Boys Season 4 Episode Release Schedule: When Will the Rest of Prime Drama Come Out?

by SU Staff
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Amazon Prime Video subscribers have been eagerly anticipating the return of the anti-hero drama, The Boys, and after a two-year wait, their patience has finally paid off. Season four of the highly-acclaimed series premieres on Thursday, June 13, 2024, but fans will need to remain patient for the complete series rollout.

A Staggered Release

Similar to previous seasons, The Boys season four won’t be available for binge-watching all at once. Instead, Amazon Prime is releasing episodes weekly to build anticipation and keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Episode Release Schedule

The fourth season consists of eight episodes. While the first three episodes dropped simultaneously on the premiere date, the remaining five will be released weekly every Thursday.

Here’s a complete breakdown of the episodes, including their titles and release dates:

  1. Episode One: Department of Dirty Tricks – Thursday, June 13
  2. Episode Two: Life Among The Septics – Thursday, June 13
  3. Episode Three: We’ll Keep The Red Flag Flying – Thursday, June 13
  4. Episode Four: Wisdom Of The Ages – Thursday, June 20
  5. Episode Five: Beware Of The Jabberwock, My Son – Thursday, June 27
  6. Episode Six: Dirty Business – Thursday, July 4
  7. Episode Seven: The Insider – Thursday, July 11
  8. Episode Eight: Assassination Run – Thursday, July 18

The staggered release schedule means that fans will be speculating and theorizing each week about the fate of their favorite characters and the outcome of this intense season. This method keeps the community engaged and the conversation alive, enhancing the viewing experience.

What to Expect

While we know the episode titles, the specifics of the plot remain shrouded in secrecy. This only adds to the excitement as viewers try to piece together clues from trailers, teasers, and early episodes. The finale, set to release on July 18, is particularly anticipated, with fans eager to see how the storylines will converge and wrap up.

As The Boys season four unfolds, it promises to deliver the same high-octane drama and dark humor that fans have come to love. With a mix of immediate gratification and suspenseful waiting, this release strategy ensures that the series remains a hot topic for weeks to come.

So, mark your calendars, stay tuned, and prepare for another thrilling ride with The Boys on Amazon Prime Video.

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